Artist’s statement

“My art journey is a way of life, my reason for living and who I am.

The art I make also acts as a visual diary, recording the daily progression of my ideas and feelings and is the alternative language I use to communicate to others.

I try to balance the playful experimentation between ideas and materials with my precise control over them.

The pet subjects and ideas I explore through art are:

  • nature’s beauty
  • our fragile planet
  • animals
  • history and the rise and fall of cultures
  • mythology
  • the human body
  • sociology and the human condition
  • perceptions of time and death
  • new discoveries in science
  • the movement and sounds of nature.

In 1997 I also founded a radical new art form and process called Fibism. It underpins much of my artwork. Stay tuned for when I reveal it’s secret definition to the world….!”

Please explore and enjoy my web site and its biographical content. I welcome your valuable comments.


Brief resume

Vi Green is a professional mid career artist from the UK and now lives in Australia.

He has held numerous solo and group exhibitions in Australia, received many Public Art Commissions and has artwork in private collections around the world.

Initially he completed a Diploma in Design majoring in Ceramics, then a Degree in Fine Art Sculpture and later a one year Graduate Diploma in Art Education.

Since graduating Mr Green has worked for many years as a full time artist.

He has received several Australian Governments grants to create new artwork for solo exhibitions, including for the creation of audience interactive audio kinetic sculptural environments.

Within the wider arts community he has been a community artist, teacher and artist in residence at various public institutions. In public life Mr Green has also organised many group exhibitions and other arts related cultural events.